International Trade & Customs Law.
Delivering Expertise
& Solutions.
With an established reputation as a leader in international trade and customs law, I believe in setting the bar high and providing an unwavering commitment to my clients. I will always strive to ensure expectations are not only met but exceeded.
For more information, check out the website and get in touch today.
Contact Us
Kirby Law Office Inc.
ave du Docteur-Penfield
Montréal, Québec
Canada H3A 1A8
(514) 887-4385
Customs law
Errors in customs declarations can be expensive, but getting those declarations right can sometimes be tricky. The amount of duties and taxes payable on imported goods is a function of many things including their classification, declared value, and their origin. Unpaid duties and taxes can be retroactively assessed for up to four years after the date of importation. Likewise, in most cases, importers can recover overpaid duties and taxes for up to four years after the date of importation. We can help in contesting customs assessments and in recovering overpaid duties and taxes.
Customs audits
We regularly represent importers undergoing customs audits. We know what to expect and how best to respond to the myriad questions and requests for additional information you will receive.
Anti-dumping and countervailing duties
We have been involved in over 100 anti-dumping and countervailing duty investigations. We understand the rules and can craft strategies that ensure the best possible outcomes.
“I am blessed by an extraordinary group of clients, from individuals running small businesses to some of the world’s largest multinationals, and with extraordinary colleagues in Canada’s trade bar.”
– Peter Kirby

Get in Touch
Peter Kirby has been serving local and international clients for over 30 years. If you have any questions at all concerning your international trade and customs law needs, do not hesitate to get in touch with us.